The CFA Breed Councils were established in 1970 to serve as an advisory body on breed standards to the CFA Executive Board. Each of the breeds recognized by CFA for championship competition has its own Breed Council and Breed Council Secretary. The CFA Breed Councils are comprised of individuals experienced in their chosen breed/division section, and who meet other eligibility requirements established by the CFA By-Laws. Each Breed Council channels opinions and suggestions from the individual breeder to the Board through the specific breed secretary, and the breed standard is updated as the breed progresses. From time to time, each breed council also updates its breed profile, a more informal introduction to the breed.

Eligibility Requirements
- Have a CFA registered cattery name.
- Are at least 18 years of age or older.
- Have bred and registered with CFA at least three litters of the appropriate breed/division.
- A judge or an officer of another cat registering association is not eligible.
In addition to the above requirements, membership is limited to individuals who have met either of the following qualifications:
- Bred at least one CFA Grand Champion or Grand Premier of the appropriate breed/division,
- Registered one litter of the appropriate breed/division within the previous two calendar years and, have exhibited a cat/kitten of the appropriate breed/division at a CFA show within the previous two calendar years.
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