Household Pets

Household pets are judged in one group without regard to sex, coat length, age, or color. There is no written standard for Household Pets, although the CFA Show Rules state that they may NOT be declawed, and if they are over eight(8) months of age they must be neutered or spayed. They are judged instead for their uniqueness, pleasing appearance, unusual markings, and sweet dispositions. Each household pet reflecting good health and vitality receives a Merit award (red/white), and at the end of the judging, the best Household Pets are introduced in a final.

If you have a show-stopping, mixed breed charmer at home and are interested in joining the cat lovers who partake in the good fellowship of exhibiting at CFA shows, please explore our show schedule for a show near you, and call the listed entry clerk for further information to see if that show has a Household Pet Class. An entry form is available for downloading.

Previously referred to the “Household Pet Recording Program,” CFA’s Companion Cat World is the place to be for all non-pedigreed cats! CFA cherishes ALL cats and our mission is to enhance their lives with love, care and celebration. We welcome cats from all walks of life to join our world in which we celebrate all beloved companion cats.  Read more about the program….

If you are a new exhibitor, scroll down for some tips for your first show.

Household Pet Titles and Awards

Although many regions have scored Household Pets for year-end awards unofficially, starting with the 2015-16 show season (May 1, 2015), CFA will be officially scoring the class, and cats will be able to earn official CFA titles.

Household Pet recording number:
In order for a Household Pet to earn titles and awards, they must have a registration number with CFA.

You may still show your Household Pet without a recording number, but the points earned will not count. The owner may submit an application at the show, and have the cat scored for that show. You may also claim points up to 90 days after a show you attended without a registration number – a fee will apply for this service.

Household Pet owners will have the same services available via the CFA Online Almanac as owners of pedigreed cats, such as e-points, scoreboards, grand listings, etc.

Points will be calculated the same way that regional points are calculated in the pedigreed classes. Best Household Pet in the ring receives a score equal to the number of cats competing less 1. 2nd Best receives 95% of the score that Best receives, and that continues in 5% decrements.

Household Pets will keep their highest scoring 100 rings each season, towards year-end awards.

Only rings that are judged by a CFA-licensed judge, an approved guest judge, or a CFA judge trainee, will be scored for awards. Celebrity judges such as a local vet or radio/TV personality will not be scored – if celebrity judges are used by a club, the show flyer must state which Household Pet rings will be scored for CFA Household Pet points and awards.

The Grand Household Pet title:
CFA will award the title of Grand Household Pet (abbreviated GH) to a household pet that earns 200 points from a minimum of six different judges. There is no time limit for these points – they can be earned over different show seasons.

Household Pets earning their GH will receive a certificate from CFA, and the title will become part of the cat’s record.

The first Grand Household Pet titles were awarded in June 2015!!

The Grand Household Pet of Distinction title:
CFA will award the title of Grand Household Pet of Distinction (abbreviated GHD) to Household Pets that earn 30 finals in each of three separate show seasons, with a minimum of 250 points earned in each of those seasons. The show seasons do not have to be consecutive – seasons prior to the start of the program in May 2015 cannot be used for the title. The GHD title must be claimed from CFA for a fee.

Household Pets earning their GHD will receive a certificate from CFA, and the title will become part of the cat’s record.

Household Pet Regional Winners:
At the end of each show season, CFA will award the title of Household Pet Regional Winner (abbreviated HRW) and Household Pet Divisional Winner (abbreviated HDW) to the 10 highest scoring Household Pets in each region or division of CFA. The minimum number of points required for this title is 100 (50 in certain geographic areas).

The regions may choose to give out more awards for the class, but only the top 10 will receive the official title from CFA.

Household Pet National Winners:
Beginning with the 2017-18 show season, CFA will award the title of Household Pet National Winner (abbreviated HNW) to the 25 highest scoring Household Pets, as long as they earn the minimum point requirements specified in the show rules.

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